The beautiful entertainment manifesto

Entertainment,when we are sad because of passing of a family member, or frustrated from losing our jobs, there is something about Entertainment that just makes us extremely happy. Whether it’s music movies or video games, these forms of media has gotten us through alot over the years. Some people think of entertainment as small and meaningless but I disagree. From personal experience,there are many reasons why I think that entertainment is something that can make you truly happy. For example, Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh literally cured my depression in high school, it showed me that even though life can be ugly at times, if you look really closely you find real beauty , that painting captures that beauty perfectly. Entertainment can also be inspirational and enlightening on a wide scale, like how a bunch of scenes in Hamlet have influenced a wide range of media and shaped how modern pop culture is, and also having a three dimensional layered character instead of the one dimensional good guy and bad guy. 9/11 was possibly one of the worst times in American history. No one expected it and it left tons of Americans sad and with out family members who passed at that time. For months people had lost hope and were defeated and also scared, not knowing what will happen next. And then a movie came out in 2002 called spiderman and, even though it is a fictional movie, the fact that it depicted a superhero saving new york city was exactly what Americans needed at that time and it broke box office records. Movies also bring put the most put of the people who make them. In fight club the amount of work that was put in to the cinematography, the story, and especially the acting was nothing short of mesmerizing, especially the performances of Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, they were amazing. They put there all into there role because it is a love and passion for them, they feel joy being able to entertain people with quality acting. This passion is felt through all for.all of entertainment, especially music. Musicians are probably the most passionate people when it comes to entertainment. All the way from the beginning when people like Mozart and Beethoven were child prodigy, they put there heart and soul into what they do which is why the music that they create is nothing short of fascinating. This passion has been passed down to all forms of music throughout the generations, from songs like Don’t Stop Beleive it from the rock and roll genre to Fallen by Alicia Keys of the RNB genre, these great musicians are capable of portraying intense emotions in there songs that almost cannot be conveyed anywhere else. Except, for poetry, which is able the convey emotions in a very creative way that makes you express you feel about anything that is going on. We live in an amazing time because the great thing about today’s world is that we have so many tools at our disposal that can make for great entertainment such as our phones. Not only can we watch entertainment on it but we have cameras and video on our phones to make any type of entertainment ourselves. I did exactly that by taken pictures of my room and writing on why those part of my room makes me so happy. Overall though entertainment when compared to everything else like family and being able to have a steady job can seem very little as far as importance compared to those two, but it still has a pivotal role in society for keeping us going when everything seems rough. Because without any form of entertainment life would be not only incredibly boring, but there also would be alot more sadness as a result so thats why I always thank God for making us the way he did as creative and intelligent beings that can create beautiful works of art in all forms designed to make us happy in its own way. This is one of the reasons I think life is amazing, life is beautiful and life is awesome.